The assessment process starts when there application is complete, including payment of the application fee. If necessary, qualification(s) are checked to confirm that it is accredited, recognised or that you have completed the education requirements. If the application fails this check, you will be advised to apply for Educational Evaluation. If the application passes this check, the assessment proceeds.
The first stage of assessment is the Experience Appraisal, a desktop evaluation by peer reviewers to determine whether the application documentation indicates that the applicant is competent to the standard. If the application passes this hurdle, the next step is the Professional Review, an interactive assessment in the form of a short presentation by the applicant and an interview by two peer reviewers. The Reviewers recommend to the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) for the discipline that the applicant has demonstrated competence or has not.
The PAC may decide to register the applicant or defer consideration of the application for up to 12 months to allow him or her to make up shortfalls in competence. Such a deferment may be granted twice but no more. The PAC may recommend to the Engineers registration committee and the Central registration Committee that the application be refused.
If the application does not pass the Experience Appraisal hurdle, it is referred to the discipline PAC to determine the next step, including seeking more information from the applicant or deferring the application.
Once the PAC has decided to register the applicant, the applicant will be registered as a Professional Engineer, advised by letter and the registration certificate issued. The applicant will then be liable for pro-rata payment of an annual registration fee, with pro-rata refund of the Candidate annual fee if registered as such. On registration as a Professional Engineer, registration as a Candidate Engineer will be cancelled, if the applicant was so registered.