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Education: Education Process
Educational Evaluation

Persons wishing to register in the following categories:

  • Candidate Engineer or Professional Engineer or
  • Candidate Engineering Technologist or Professional Engineering Technologist
  • Candidate Engineering Technician or Professional Engineering Technician

are required to have an educational achievement that can be demonstrated in the following ways:

  • Holding an ECSA-accredited qualification or combination of qualifications for the category; or
  • Holding a qualification recognised by ECSA because it is accredited by a signatory to an educational agreement relevant to the category; or
  • Holding an qualification or combination of qualifications evaluated by ECSA as meeting its standard; or
  • Undergoing individual assessment approved by ECSA.

Who do not meet the educational requirement for the category by holding accredited or recognised qualifications may submit their qualifications for evaluation. (Holders of accredited qualifications or those recognised under an international agreement for the category may apply directly for registration.)

Applications for educational evaluation will be assessed using the policy document E-17-P approved by the ECSA Council. This policy provides in particular for:

  • Specific criteria for the substantial equivalence of the applicants qualification to an ECSA-accredited qualification for the category;
  • Granting credits to the applicant for criteria that have been satisfied;
  • A range of assessment methods that can be used to meet criteria that are not satisfied by the applicant’s qualification(s);
  • Accelerated evaluation of particular types of qualifications whose quality is known to ECSA.
    Method of Making Application
    Applications for educational evaluation will be closed between 23 March 2013 and 1 April 2013.
    The following ways of making an application for Educational Evaluation are available over different periods
  • Before 23 March 2013, use the existing application form and documents called for in policy E-17-P.
    • Certified copies of all qualification certificates, with translations if not in English, if not already uploaded.
    • Certified copies of all of full academic records/ transcripts, with translations if not in English and , if not already uploaded.
    • A curriculum analysis using the worksheet provided with as much details as possible
    • Syllabi of the subjects studied, with translations if not in English 
    • Project report(s)
  • After 1 April 2013, using the new application form<hyperlink>, and supporting documents called for in E-17-P listed above, prepare and submit a paper-based application;
  • After 1 April 2013, once the on-line application system is available, make an on-line application. There is no physical form and you will be prompted to upload supporting documents. The qualification(s) that you hold will be checked. If your qualification qualifies for accelerated evaluation and is confirmed as being of such a type, you may not have to proceed with the full evaluation.