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International Agreements: Engineering Mobility Forum


The purpose of the Engineers Mobility Forum (EMF) is to establish and maintain an International Register of Professional Engineers. The EMF Agreement is a multi-national Agreement between engineering organisations in the member jurisdictions which creates the framework for the establishment of an international standard of competence for professional engineering, and then empowers each member organisation to establish a section of the International Register of Professional Engineers .

The objective of the EMF are as follows:
• Facilitate international mobility of Professional Engineers.
• Establish a de-centralised International Register of Professional Engineers.
• Promote best practice.
• Continue mutual monitoring.
• Understanding existing barriers to mobility and develop strategies to assist Governments and licensing authorities to manage the barriers.
• Encourage Governments and licensing authorities to adopt the EMF Agreement.

Full Members are:
Australia (IEAust)
Canada (CCPE)
Hong Kong, China (HKIE) - 1995
Ireland (IEI)
Japan (JABEE)
Korea (KPEA)
Malaysia (IEM)
New Zealand (IPENZ)
Singapore (IES)
South Africa (ECSA)
Sri Lanka (IESL)
United Kingdom (ECuk)
United States of America (USCIEP)

Provisional Members are:
Bangladesh (BPERB)
Chinese Taipei (CT APEC EMC)
India (IEI)

The present Chair is provided by ECSA, Mr Alec Hay, and the Secretariat provided by ECuk through Mr Chris Simpson..

For more info, visit the International Engineering Agreements website.​